Mother Love lines

The greatest person in the world is mother. Without mother this life seems incomplete. Mother teaches us to live. Mother teaches us to love. Written in love of mother.


Mother Love lines

The most comfort in the world is found in the mother's lap, it is the best place.


Mother can take the place of father but no other relation can take the place of mother.


Mother's fragrance is more than all the flowers in the world.


When I didn't even know how to speak, mother used to understand what I wanted and now there are times when we say leave mother, you won't understand.


Allah Ta'ala has given the best blessing in the world to mother.


Mother is the person whose prayer is accepted first, who goes directly to the seventh throne.


There are some relationships that we can replace, but a mother has a relationship that is irreplaceable in the world.


I am a person who hides herself from the world, her prayers are always with the children and if she is alive, she never leaves her side.


Whenever any problem came to me, I used to think in my heart that my mother's prayer is with me and all my problems are solved.


Mother is such a person that when our eyes are red, she knows whether our eyes are red from crying or due to lack of sleep.


Mother Love lines

Whenever I was hungry, my mother knew that my son was hungry.


A mother's stomach is not full until the child's stomach is full.


If mother leaves the world, life itself changes. Mother is the dearest friend. There is no other friend like mother.


The loss of a mother leaving this world can never be healed.


But you learn to live with the loss of mother's separation, Allah gives patience.


Mother never goes away from you, her prayers are with you, if you want, feel your mother in your heart.


I found out about you

The whole world was with you mother


Oh Allah grant my mother a home in heaven.


The pain of separation from the mother is such that it becomes very difficult to bear.


When the mother leaves the world, the daughters learn how to hide the sadness in their hearts and smile and live.


Cherish your mother as long as she is alive before she leaves you. She came out of mother's lap that there is a world. You can sleep on your own.


Mother Love lines

A mother is such a person who knows by looking at the face whether my daughter or son is sad or happy.


I have heard that when mother and father leave this world, a person's world becomes desolate. But I think mother and father are always with you even if they leave this world. .


When mother leaves this world, you can see your mother if you want, look at the faces of all your siblings, you will see your mother smiling in their faces.


Mother is always alive in your heart sometimes comes as tears in your eyes and sometimes comes as a smile on your face.


We cannot make up for the lack of mother with any other relationship, life does not stop but the way of living life changes.


Ask the brothers and sisters whose mother is not alive, they never have a soul when they start eating, but if they go to the root, there is no one to make it like me.


People whose mothers are not alive do not care if they come late and there is no one else to wait with the door open until late.


  Allah Ta'ala has given the status of worship even by looking at the mother with love.


Mother's relationship and position is such that no other relationship can replace this position.


When the mother leaves this world, the house does not feel alive and the heart does not find peace.


Mother's nature is such that we tell all our sorrows to mother and our grief is reduced. If there was no mother, to whom would we tell all our sorrows.


Mother Love lines

A mother's love is such that Allah has said that I love her as much as 70 mothers.


Mother is the most loving person in the whole universe, no other relationship can give love like mother.


Whatever we ask our mother, if she has it, she never refuses.


Medicine cannot do what a mother looks at.


My mother often tells me that the son who is written in the destiny stays together.


  The greatest comfort is found in the lap of the mother and even in the darkness of the night, remembering the person of God brings peace to the heart.


Mother is the most beloved thing in the universe


There is nothing cute.


Parents are strict but they shape our destiny.


Even when a mother is upset, she does not stop worrying about her children.


Mother Love lines

Before your mother leaves the world, serve her as much as you can so that when your mother leaves the world, she leaves you with prayers.


My mother loves me so much

That he doesn't rest until I go home


You know, whenever you get any happiness, someone is happier than you, that is your mother who considers your happiness as her own.


And whenever something hurts you, the mother is the one who grieves the most.


My mother has taught me everything but not to live without myself.

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