mother and son love quotes

Very cute quotes about mother's love

And a very sweet poem written in the love of mother


mother and son love quotes

1. As we are raised by our parents with love and affection in our childhood, we should also treat them like kings in our old age.


2. One habit of God and mother seems to be the same

Even if the mother is not literate, the most important knowledge of the world is taught by the mother.


3. The most sincere relationship in the world is that of parents

It makes us understand suffering and pain.


4. As we are raised by our parents with love and affection in our childhood, we should also treat them like kings in our old age.


5. One habit of God and mother seems to be the same

That God also forgives our mistakes and our mother also forgives our mistakes.


6. Leaving every favorite thing in the world for mom.


7. Never let tears come to mother's eyes, because when tears come to mother's eyes, the floor of Allah Ta'ala shakes.


8. Parents never make a wrong decision, even if they make a wrong decision, they are not wrong.


9. Because their intentions regarding their children are clear.


10. And the prayers of parents change the destiny of children.


mother and son love quotes

11. The one who starts crying at the slightest injury is a mother

Then she hugs him lovingly


12. The one who ignores our mistakes is a mother. When we are angry with our mother, she forgets the whole world. Never be rude to your mother.

Who forgets herself for her children.


13. A mother bears all the sorrows of the world except the sorrows of her children.


14. Most wanted is mother

Who forgets the whole world for their children.


15. Never make a mistake out of it

Who is living only for you


16. I have seen heaven in this world

I saw what my mother did


17. Mother never complained to me

I have given a thousand pains


18. Taking care of your mother is more valuable than everything in the world.


19. I can never repay my mother's debt

That my mother does not raise her head from prostration until I return.


20. What will harm me, my enemy? My mother's prayers have troubled him that every time he strikes me, the dagger breaks.


mother and son love quotes

21. When the mother begins to leave the world, she is very worried because there will be no one else in this world to love the children like her.


22. One day my mother told me that children whose mothers do not live.


23 Ever since my mother left this world, no one pats me on the back and prays for me for nothing.


24. We always need a mother's love

As long as we breathe.


25. When the Day of Resurrection comes, the physical relationships that we have in this world will cease and we will be with those with whom we have spiritual love, such as parents.


26. You have not really loved me

These people love only for meaning


27. My mother has not slept for a while

I am afraid, I told my mother


28. Your lap was something else, mother

Now he said, I sleep peacefully


29. Never hurt your mother

God's throne itself begins to shake


30. My time is only that my heaven is under my mother's feet.


mother and son love quotes

31. Whenever sorrows begin to enter the heart

I tell my mother, the grief starts to go away.


32. My mother forgets everything for me

Whenever the world bothers me


33. Whenever I get hurt, the word mother comes out of my tongue.


34. I often pray to my Lord

That I will never have a home without a mother


35. What about suffering, it keeps coming and going

The day the mother gave birth to me, the resurrection will take place on that day


36. So I know that when the mother is no longer alive

So there is no one to smile at you for no reason


37. I pray to my Lord to keep my mother's shadow on my head.


38. After the Lord who loves you the most

She is the nature of mother.


39. I often spend my days remembering you

I miss your celebration of me and my persecution of you


 40.  Whenever I leave the house, I pray with me that my mother is still alive.


mother and son love quotes

41. Every time I get home from work, my mom looks at my stomach to see if I'm still hungry.


42. The richest man is the one whose mother is alive.


43. My mother rightly says that too much thinking and worry makes a person old.


44. No matter how much you hide it, mother knows that you have a problem.


45. A mother is one who is the peace of the heart.


46. My mother knows all my sorrows

My mother knows what makes me happy.


47. God has made motherhood like this

Even if the mother becomes mad, she does not forget her children.


48. He always has a prayer on his lips

A mother is one who is unparalleled.


49. Mother loves selflessly, I have seen the love of mother.


50. It is mandatory to sit near your mother, firstly, your soul will find peace and secondly, your Lord will be pleased.


mother and son love quotes

51. A mother's love is such that Allah Almighty

Made Safa Marwah a member of Hajj after seeing the trouble of a mother.


52. My mother is not educated

But she knows the condition of my heart


53. Not a single day goes by

Until I see my mother's face


54.  A king told a woman to go and bring the most beautiful child, so the woman took her son to the king.


55. Even if the mother is not literate, the most important knowledge of the world is taught by the mother.


56. The most sincere relationship in the world is that of parents

It makes us understand suffering and pain

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