romantic love poetry husband wife

 Husband wife Quotes   Husband wife love poetry  

Love Quotes

 Nothing happened to your picture

It's been a while since I met you

My heart is restless

 Your love did not rain on m

This picture is not enough for me

It is also important to meet you, Sanam

romantic love poetry husband wife

Husband wife love poetry

There is so much sand in the river that it cannot be lifted

There is so much love for you that cannot be told

This age disgraces me

Otherwise, this distance is not lifted from me

We will do anything for you

We will give this heart and soul to your name

We will not forget this era

We will write such a story of love

The attractiveness in your eyes

That attraction looks like love

The heart is beginning to love

This life is becoming yours

He was beautiful like flowers

That moon was light

who had landed in my city

He was an innocent person

Who returned everything to me

His memory haunts him

My heart burns

I can't sleep

The memory haunts him

That person was innocent

I lost everything

Tell your heart

Lives with this person

who lives in my city

I love him

I tell him everyday

What do you say from your heart?

Lives with this person

romantic love poetry husband wife

These days and nights are smiling on me

Seeing your infidelity

This time is starting to haunt me

My heart burns with your memories

Where sleep comes, your dreams come

Now come back to me

That memory is starting to haunt you

My heart is beginning to ache

These eyes are watching your way

Come back to me now

romantic love poetry husband wife

It has been a long time since I saw this moon

He was Hussain more than Hussain

He was more beautiful than a beautiful dream

He was an angel of light coming to earth

Only for me only for me

hot romantic poetry

A beautiful person

has come into my life

I don't think so without it

This heart is crazy

Have done everything

The name of the person

A beautiful person

has come into my life

Your memories are beautiful like you

We smile whenever we remember you

Beautiful is the person who lives in my heart

He is dear to every happiness of life

It is the bond of love that does not break

Whether it is sadness or happiness

I remember that

Sorrow haunts me whenever

Then he does my pain medicine

Then we start smiling

When that person smiles

I remember that

Sorrow haunts me whenever

Has done all the joys of life

Names of this beautiful person

Best poetry husband wife

By the smell of your breath

The garden of our heart is inhabited

There is a sense of confusion in your words

There is a smile in your eyes

These blushes of your lips

These red marks on your cheeks

I don't get conscious

An intoxication lingers

Look at you O Sanam

 There is confusion in our words

There is a smile in your eyes

That person is crying from me

who loves me

The song of his loyalty is humming

This flower garden too

The fragrance in these flowers

This is the person's breath

He looks so cute

I find that support

Of this broken heart of mine

My ship seems to be sinking

That person is crying from me

who loves me

romantic love poetry husband wife

romantic poetry for husband

Let us tell our story today

There is a girl in my dreams

She looks like a fairy

He is more beautiful than the moon

He is dearer than life

There is a girl in my dreams

She looks like a fairy

I smell it on my breath

He lives in my heart

Let us tell our story today

love poetry wife

That rose is kept in books

He was a wonderful person

who loved me

He used to smile and talk

He used to hug me and cry

That person loved me

And he has cried because of me

He used to smile and talk

That rose written in books

Your name this evening

This jam of love is your name

This heartbeat is your name

My love to you

This darkness of the night is your name

This smiling moment

This moment is all about you

Your name this evening

This jam of love is your name

We are smiling again

Ever since I met this person

Every moment is full of joy

Our feet do not read on the ground

In love with this person

We are starting to hum

He stays with me as my shadow

Ever since we met this person

We are smiling again

Your picture is not separated from me

Stays together as your love

Whenever I feel lonely

Your photo supports it

By becoming your love

romantic love poetry husband wife

deep romantic poetry for husband

Then your memory is starting to bother you

Now come back and be faithful

This time does not pass, my son is yours

Now come back and be faithful

I wish that person could be mine

I want more than anything

Someone tell this person

That I love him

His name is written on his heart

Someone go and tell this person

He is remembered

Every day is mine, every moment is mine

I wish that person could be mine

I want more than anything

These scattered flower petals

All these shattered dreams

When will that person come to visit?

His memory is passing

Every moment, all my time

She loves him

Question me every day

When will that person come to visit?

These scattered flower petals

Give all these scattered dreams

romantic love poetry husband wife

short romantic poetry for husband

This life will not be yours

We tell you O Sanam

There is a noise in the heart

We tell you O Sanam

This life will not be yours

They are running in your memory

Ask these breaths

We have every word of your love

He has kept it in his heart

Your name is on every beat

Ask these breaths

This life will not be yours

We tell you O Sanam

O Wafa in search of you

All the time has passed

Connect me with this person now


 Husband wife Quotes   Husband wife love poetry 

 Love Quotes

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