Inspirational quotes for wife love in english

Inspirational quotes for wife love in english
Inspirational quotes for wife love in english

Thank you for coming into my life, my lovely wife, thank you for loving me so much, this house seems so empty without you, thank you for coming and decorating this house. I say thank you from the heart, not just with the tongue


husband and wife

In the path of life, husband and wife should hold each other's hands and walk in such a way that if one stumbles, the other should step forward and hold him.

The wife

  If my wife is angry, she doesn't call for breakfast. The spoon rattles and does not hold the cup of tea in my hand. She puts it in front of me and doesn't put my egg or jam sandwich in my hand. Puts it on my plate. She doesn't sit with me. After I finish my breakfast, she goes to the kitchen with a tissue paper. When I leave to go to work, she comes to leave me at the door. She stops talking in anger. Love does not stop.

Everyone wants the best, but to get the best, you have to be the best. Because only the pure get the pure.


  Whether the wife is evil, foolish or wise, control comes only through love and respect

wife love

Telling the wife while going out of the house is not the slavery of the wife but freeing the wife from worry

Worrying husbands are also found in happy wives

Respect women 

Respect women because the Qur'an itself has given women full right to express their likes and dislikes

Whether the companion is beautiful or not, he must be appreciative of the heart!

love wife husband

In the path of life, husband and wife should hold each other's hands and walk in such a way that if one stumbles, the other should step forward and hold him.


A virtuous wife considers her husband to be the best and most beautiful man in the world


A husband is not just a husband. It is also a means of attaining the pleasure and pleasure of Allah.

Husband and wife

  For a wife, the absence of her husband keeps her an orphan, and it does not matter whether the people of the whole world stay by her side or hug her.

If a man wants to never leave a woman's heart, he should respect his wife in private and in front of the world.

Bano Qudsiyya

  The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said that the true test of a husband's morals is in his treatment of his wife


Marriage is a lifetime loan which has to be repaid with love and sincerity

Husband and wife are each other's clothes.

Love husband

There are a million faults in a husband, but the strong frame of the house is the husband.


Respecting your wife is a sign of a respectable husband.

beautiful wife

If the husband is there, life is beautiful, otherwise the whole world is dust for the wife.

Relationship between husband and wife: Wives should not do anything that may cause jealousy or hatred in the heart of their husbands.

That moment is a source of happiness for the wife when her husband is busy and he says to the wife, he is never busy for you


For a wife, her husband is the whole universe

  A woman's honor comes from her husband.

Women who belong to their husbands

Inspirational quotes for wife love in english
Inspirational quotes for wife love in english

What does Rayan do is not that they lose their self-respect in their own stupidity.

High-class women treat their husbands as lusty women and treat themselves as princesses.

Don't ask me

What do you look like to me?

  Is there any goodness to me?

  For which you seem to be rewarded

The relationship of husband and wife is such that the husband and wife have never expressed their love to each other by language, even when they come home from outside, the husband does not see his wife or the wife does not see her husband, then their eyes are all over the house. I must go around to see my companion once. It is the love hidden in the heart even if this love is never expressed.

A woman should make decorations for her husband! Rasulullah was asked, O Messenger of Allah, who is the best woman? He said: The best woman is the one who makes her husband happy when her husband looks at her. When he orders her to do something, she should obey her husband. In matters of life and wealth, the husband should not oppose her in what she dislikes.


Not all men are bad, there are some protectors and masters, if springs of Zamzam water spring up from the patience of a woman, then the patience of a man is a testimony to the soil of the call.

get married:

  People say first get married then get married, but my Allah says you get married, it is my responsibility to take care of you

Inspirational quotes for wife love in english
Inspirational quotes for wife love in english

Importance of husband After father, husband is the strongest chosen by Allah for a woman.

Man and woman

If the girl comes with training in dowry and the man gives respect in dowry, the best house can be formed

Male power

The real strength of the man is his virtue.

A woman's right

The Prophet said, "The greatest right over a woman is her husband."

Praying of husband and wife

When both husband and wife are praying together, Allah Almighty pours immense love into their hearts.

Second Marriage If in Islam there is no order for a wife to take care of her husband's parents, then in Islam there is also an order to have four marriages.

good husband

  Who says that passion and stubbornness are fulfilled only by parents.

Wife's trust

  When a wife tells her problems to her husband, it does not mean that she is complaining, but that she trusts you.

Wife's Testimony

Keep your wife satisfied and happy because she will testify in your favor on the Day of Resurrection."

  A woman's jihad Hazrat Ali said that a woman's jihad is with her husband

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