Husband wife love Quotes

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Husband wife love Quotes
Husband wife love Quotes 

1. Wife is the reason of happiness 

for you.

2. Love your wife because she 

leaves everything for you.

3. If the wife is faithful, she makes 

the house a paradise.

4. It cannot be a man who raises 

his hand on his wife.

5. A woman's heart is very 

delicate. It breaks at the slightest thing.

6. The wife always waits for her 

husband's love.

7. A wife's world is her husband.

8. Respect your wife's relatives.

9. Never embarrass your wife in 

front of anyone.

10. The beauty of the wife should 

be appreciated.

11. The husband should help the 

wife in her work.

12. Even if the wife gets angry, she 

is still weaker than you.

13. If your wife gets angry with 

you, don't delay in celebrating it.

14. A virtuous wife is a source of 

relief for her husband.

15. Always talk to your wife with 

love, not anger.

16. Never abuse your wife.

17. Spend your money on your 


Husband wife love Quotes
Husband wife love Quotes 

18. Take care of the little wishes 

of the wife.

19. Give up on your wife because 

she is weaker than you.

20. Sacrifice everything for your 


21. Take care of your wife's wishes.

22. A wife always demands love 

from her husband.

23. Look at your wife with 


24. The attribute of a good wife is 

that she is happy with her 

husband in all situations.

 25. Take care of your wife's 


26. Be involved in the joys and 

sorrows of the wife's relatives.

27. Love and respect your wife's 


28. A good wife is one who 

protects her husband's honor and 

wealth when he is out of the 


29. Never abuse your wife, it 

breaks the relationship.

30. The wife is weak and it is 

better to give up in front of the 


31. A good husband walks with his 

wife with love and a bad husband 

suppresses his wife.

 32. Leave your wife.

33. A wife's love for her husband 

and a husband's love for his wife 

are pure.

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34. Never show your 

wife's heart.

Husband wife love Quotes
Husband wife love Quotes 

35. Find happiness in wife.

36. Take care of your wife's health.

37. Everything of a wife belongs 

to her husband.

38. If the husband is the owner of 

power, then the wife is the owner 

of beauty.

39. A good wife cares about her 

husband's happiness.

40. Respect your wife in your 


41. The protection of the wife is 

entrusted to the husband.

42. Arguing with your wife is a 

cause of shame for you.

43. Love your wife more than 

your children.

44. Love your wife so much that 

she forgets her parents' house.

45. Go happily with the wife to 

the house of the parents of the 


Husband wife love Quotes
Husband wife love Quotes 

46. ​​Love your wife and children, 

their duties are yours.

47. Have good thoughts about 

the wife.

48. Give respect to the wife in 

every gathering.

49. God is also pleased by loving 

his wife.

50. Don't break your wife's heart. 

Because the heart is like glass, if 

it is broken, it is difficult not 

impossible to fix it.

51. The best wealth for a husband 

is what he spends on his wife.

52. Cherish your wife more than 


53. Arguing with the wife's 

relatives creates hatred in the 

wife's heart.

54. The relationship between 

husband and wife is like a raw 


55. The relationship between 

husband and wife is based on 


56. Trust each other.

57. A good husband is a source of 

relief for his wife and a bad man 

is a source of shame for his wife.

58. Be happy with your wife in all 


59. A good wife is one with whom 

her husband is satisfied.

60. Fulfill the duties of a wife.

61. Do not force your wife.

62. Talk to your wife gently.

63. A person who shows his wife's 

heart is never happy.

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