Best attitude poetry in english for boy

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Best attitude poetry in english for boy
Best attitude poetry in english for boy

Making Mistakes Is Better Than Faking Perfection.

Never Stress Over what You Can't Control.

What A Time That Was There were Hundreds Of Excuses To See You

You will Keep Searching I will Not Even Put A Plaque On The Grave

Smile... And Confuse People

Good Things 

Take Time

stop Comparing Yourself

To Other People

You're Only On This Planet

To Be You

Not Someone Else's

Imitation Of You

Who Knows

Who Knows Only ALLAH Knows

Do You Know The Future

The Answer Is No...


So Be Happy

Just Do Your Best And

No Matter What

You Lost Your Job

You Lost This Day You Lost That

Take It In Your stride


You'll Have A Happier Home

You'll Have A Happier Family

Believe In Your Flyness Conquer Your Shyness

Try And Fail...But But Don't Fail To Try

Follow Your Hopes Destroy Your Fears

The Best Dreams Happen When You're Awake

Best attitude poetry in english for boy
Best attitude poetry in english for boy

If You Rest You Rust

Nobody Is Coming To Save You

Get Up

Be Your Own HERO

Everyday Is A Second Chance

You Are Somebody's Reason To Smile

Sometimes Loneliness Is My gud Frnd!!

My Biggest Problem Is I Trust Everyone

Tomorrow Come Never

What Is A Best Friend? A Single Soul In Two Bodies

Breakup In Love Is wakeup In Life

No Dream Is Ever Chased Alone

I Laugh Because I've Known Sadness

Being Alone Is Very Difficult

I Am Sad Because I know Happiness

I Am wise Because I've Been Foolish

I Just want You That's All

Life Is Full Of Fake People

Be with Someone Who Makes You Happy

It's Not My Attitude It's My Style

Don't Expect Anyone Other Than Your ALLAH

I Am Silent Because I Hate Drama

I Am Sorry I Have Already Broken

My Heart was Broken And In Many Pieces

Negativity Is A Thief It steals Happiness

I Don't Like Being Alone

Best attitude poetry in english for boy
Best attitude poetry in english for boy

I Don't Like Fake People

Stop worrying And Be Happy

No storm Can Last Forever

Silence Is A Source Of great strength

Don't Make Excuses Make Changes...

Happiness Is A Journey Not A Destination

I Am Fine...But But Not Happy

No Trust.... No Relationship...

I Am good Man..But But Not For Enemies

Now we're strangers Again

But This Time

With Memories

Live Your Life And Forget Your Age

I Am Nobody. Nobody Is Perfect Therefore, I Am Perfect!

Person You Love Is 80% water

When The Day Comes

Everybody will Love Me

Because I will Be

F*cking Ripped

I lost My Heart Can Anybody See..?

Trust is Like Glass It's Broken !!

Do Not Be A Person

Who Doesn't Have Hope

No Matter What is Happened

In Your Life

The Future Is Better Than

What Happened In The Past

The Future Is Better Than

The Present As Well


It Will Always Be Better

When You give Up

That's When Your Doors Close

For As Long As You

Have Not give Up

Your Doors Will Never Close

So No Matter What you're

Going Through In Life

Never Give Up As A Mu,min


Best attitude poetry in english for boy
Best attitude poetry in english for boy

When You Think Positive Good Things Happen

Confidence is Foundation Of great Achievement

Fall in Love And Be Prepared For Tears

Everything Has Beauty...But Not Everyone Can See



Things Are going Wrong

In Your Life

That's According To You

According To ALLAH

It's going Right

Believe In Your ALLAH

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