50+ short love quotes

Love is worship.


Without love, man is dead.


Love learns to live.


Love forgets everything.


Love is the medicine of the soul.


If love is from God, then love is known.


Love unites with God.


If love ends in the world, the world will also end.


 Love is a very beautiful thing.


 Love taught to live with each other.


Love is heaven.


A man can do anything in love.


Love is blind, it sees neither flowers nor thorns.


Love is the food of the soul.


.Love is the peace of the soul


Man is incomplete without love.


Mother loves the most.


Man becomes helpless in front of love.


Love opens the door of heaven.


There is no limit to the love of Allah.


 Love meets hearts.


Love is a pure relationship.


 God himself loved his messenger.


 Love is true happiness.


Love all people.


Love everything.


The name of love is loyalty.


If love is found, heaven becomes difficult if not found.


The one whom love has left, has left to live.


Love also steals sleep at night.


God is in the heart in which there is love.


Love shows the way to heaven.


Love is medicine, love is healing, love is loyalty.


Love is also victory.


Love is the chain of the heart.


Love is also prayer.


Love is a river of fire to be drowned in.


Love is also punishment.


Love is hard too.


Love is also unfaithful.


Love is also loyalty.


Love is also the victory of the heart.

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